Mr. Sidoshi
2Friends 6Fans
male Las Vegas, NV, United States
Mr. Sidoshi is
15 years ago
no longer having a painful heart.
Mr. Sidoshi
15 years ago
can't do anything because of his fucking condition!!
Mr. Sidoshi is
15 years ago
going to be making out with a hot girl in front of people, and they pay for it!
Mr. Sidoshi says
15 years ago
The King and I opens on Thursday!!
Mr. Sidoshi hates
15 years ago
Mr. Sidoshi is
15 years ago
in Siam, searching for a way to be with Tuptim.
Mr. Sidoshi is
15 years ago
Mr. Sidoshi
15 years ago
smells very sexy. LOL
Mr. Sidoshi hates
15 years ago
the bitter feeling of stress, and even more, the zits and soar throat that goes with it!
Mr. Sidoshi loves
15 years ago
that he can check his email wherever he goes!