1090Friends 192Fans
female Hutchinson, KS, United States
Edupreneur/Education Consultant
specializing in PBL, LifePractice Model, and high-ability learners
Discovery STAR Educator
Google Certified Teacher
taught for 19 years, grades 5-12
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 2
Don't forget: #Podstock13 the unconference starts at 5pm!
Keen Kutter C!
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 2
My favorite LiveBinder Shelf: PBL resources
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 11
Calling on all my #Podstock13 veteran friends to be educational "border collies:"
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 16
Help? Thinking on some meaty topics for discussion. What am I missing? Which would you strike?
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 11
Speaking of Podstock Unconference, be pondering some potentially "meaty" topics for us to discuss...
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 7
Hi y'all! (wave)
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 6
Hey@lisanwosu2000 Do you know what's happened across the street from me? 200 block of 7th street? You heard on the scanner?
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 14
Been a whirlwind 2 weeks. I get 2 days of relative calm to catch up and prepare and off for another whirlwind 2 weeks. Who'll I see at ISTE?
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 4
Nite y'all! See you in the morning. Big day at a couple of schools tomorrow. Got to visit one tonite.
GingerLewman says
11 years ago 1
People who play it safe in hard times lose out at the same time revolutionaries come in and steal the game.