70Friends 24Fans
female Germany
My name is Gina. I was born in Indonesia, on June 9th 1997. I can speak Indo, Eng, and little bit of German, French, Korean, and Japanesse. Iam the youngest. Someday, i want to college Germany, and i want to be a doctor 4 makes my parent be happy.
GinaNenden says
14 years ago 3
:-Dfor me there is no word CAN NOT, because it takes the struggle of life. so do not give up easily.
GinaNenden says
14 years ago 14
rawwwrrrr.... pengen banget nampar orang, siapa yang mauuuuu? hahaha (LOL)
GinaNenden says
14 years ago 25
good night everyone :-D
GinaNenden says
14 years ago 13
I will try to be the best for everyone. I make this life takes sacrifice, struggle, and always remember to god.
GinaNenden says
14 years ago
whatever you want to say to everyone. I love my life, i love my style, so I am free to do whatever as long as positive :-)
GinaNenden says
14 years ago
My interest in becoming a doctor :-D
GinaNenden says
14 years ago 5
sorry if my love I could not fully dedicate to you sorry when you hurt because I fall because I fell in two hearts