355Friends 145Fans
female Aurora, CO, United States
Random Muse, geek, mom, social media devotee, and Internet denizen. Aka Lucretia.
Hates writing bios.
GeekMommy is
16 years ago
signing off again... g'night
GeekMommy hates
16 years ago 13
saying this - but I can't see myself using plurk regularly... it's too time consuming. :-(
GeekMommy says
16 years ago 5
okay, I have some stuff to actually do! See you plurkers in a bit!
GeekMommy says
16 years ago 21
Plurk is hopping... Twitter suffers. No big surprise to anyone, right?
GeekMommy says
16 years ago 26
daughter just asked me if it's yucky if you put turkey in your lemonade. No personal experience with that, but I'm going with yes. (s_LOL)
GeekMommy wishes
16 years ago 6
you all a good night. I'm going to go try again.
16 years ago 5
can't seem to get rid of the 150 responses from forever ago, no matter how many times I mark all as read
GeekMommy hates
16 years ago 16
that taking 1 day off from plurk lowered my karma by 4 pts... yeah, that's fun.
GeekMommy hates
16 years ago 43
having a karma of 49.96 - seriously? .04 away from the next level (s_angry)
GeekMommy wishes
16 years ago 18
her plurk-only friends a good afternoon - heading back to twitter now. see you soon