53Friends 40Fans
male Emporia, KS, United States
I just moved to Emporia I have my secondary teaching degree in English and will be subbing. I love music, hiking, reading and relaxing.
Gavinish wants
14 years ago 8
to thank missfitz for the encouraging me to keep up with plurk. I also want to thank all those who friended me today.
Gavinish is
15 years ago 1
happy its Friday, but sad because I haven't been called yet and probably won't be...usually I will get a call before or around 6:30.
Gavinish is
15 years ago 1
Subbing at the high school today.
Gavinish thinks
15 years ago 1
it's been a slow month for subbing. With all the days off-Winter break, a couple snow days, and now the three day weekend...
Gavinish is
15 years ago
excited to rest up this weekend...teaching at the 5th grade building today, high school tomorrow, then relax. :-D
Gavinish is
15 years ago 2
getting ready for a half day of teaching science.
Gavinish says
15 years ago 5
I don't really like being up this early on a Saturday. Taking my Social Studies test for Kansas certification...
Gavinish has
15 years ago 5
not been called yet...good chance I may not get work today. At least I will have a chance to shovel the sidewalk and stairs.
Gavinish says
15 years ago
surprisingly I was called today...didn't think that would happen on the first day back at school.
15 years ago 3
thought I turned on the holiday mode over break, but must not have done it right. Karma took quite a plunge--not that it was ever that high.