11Friends 10Fans
female Silent Hill, Canada
For the most part, i'm a gamer and an artist (Or something like that.. I'm terrible at what I draw, at least I think so.) and i'm really down to earth. I like when people are straight forward with me and don't beat around the bush.
12 years ago 9
LOL. I'm sorry... this song.. these guys... RESIDENT EVIL 6 QTE SONG - WIGGLESTICKS!
Seto shares
12 years ago 11
NSFW... a drawing I did for Halloween! I'm gonna go get my tattoo done now, later!
12 years ago 7
Morning guys! Getting the tattoo done tomorrow! I'm excited.
12 years ago
Oh my... Guild Wars 2... why do you infect me and not let me play any other games? ;A;
12 years ago 37
Morning guys. Hope your day is going well! Mine is getting a bit better.. to which i'm happy about.
Seto shares
12 years ago you, Plurk.. for reminding me while i'm trying to read something someone posted. Thank you.
12 years ago 6
Really not doing too great today. I got a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign fully, but meanwhile a guy sped past me, didn't stop at the stop sign at all. And got away scott free.
12 years ago
Hey guys! Missed you! I'm pretty much on vacation now so i'll be on a lot more. I promise if i'm drawing something, i'll post it up for you guys to check out! Hope you have a good day!
12 years ago 15
I.... To keep Doom 3 BFG edition or to return it... that is the question. I love Doom but i'm wondering if I should take it back? ;A; I don't wanna.