10Friends 8Fans
GabrielC wonders
15 years ago
How many great presents he would get=D.
GabrielC needs
15 years ago
GabrielC says
15 years ago
THAT OH MY GOSH. Its my birthday today=D.
GabrielC has
15 years ago
Been ask to sleeep now after i bath.
GabrielC will
15 years ago
STudy harder next term!.
GabrielC hopes
15 years ago
that he will study harder next term!.
GabrielC thinks
15 years ago
THat he is very beautiful LOL bhb.
GabrielC wonders
15 years ago
Why does plurk work this way.
GabrielC loves
15 years ago
Everyone in the world!.
GabrielC wants
15 years ago
His new handphone although no one is buying=[