182Friends 148Fans
female Manila, Philippines
Stupidity is very common nowadays.
Garcia has
12 years ago
a looong way to go to go back to where I've been...
Garcia is
12 years ago
actually surprised to know that a lot of people are still plurking :-)))
Garcia hopes
12 years ago
for better scores for the 2nd wave of exams. Plleaaase. Pleeeaaaaseee. (tears) (scenic)
Garcia says
12 years ago
What if I try regaining my karma back? :-))
Garcia says
13 years ago 1
Garcia says
13 years ago
Cant believed I was able to survive today with only 2 and a half hours of sleep!
Garcia says
13 years ago
Good evening! Fun Saturday! Wuhoo. Felt good to see those cute animals a while ago. @-)
Garcia says
13 years ago
epic friday. i've been having days lately. :-) I hope I dont get used to it so much tho.
Garcia says
13 years ago
Fieldtrip to Avilon Zoo tomorrow. Wooooo. Hello birds =)))
Garcia loves
13 years ago
Carlo :->