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female Philippines
They say she has something in her head besides a brain..... Who knows?! My head definitely has got something in it.. maybe hot air! bah....

What is Occam's Razor?
the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, elim
FreeeeDom is
16 years ago
still watchin seinfeld
FreeeeDom is
16 years ago
watching code geass download very slowly... :-( 5 kbps!!!!!! OMG!!!
FreeeeDom is
16 years ago
eating raisins :-D
FreeeeDom is
16 years ago
now watchin seinfeld
FreeeeDom says
16 years ago 21
we're buyin new monitor whuhu
FreeeeDom says
16 years ago 27
top of the morning to ya, matey!
FreeeeDom is
16 years ago
watching dexter !! woot woot!
FreeeeDom wonders
16 years ago 5
if she can buy a zune
FreeeeDom wonders
16 years ago 3
why jaecelle is plurkin
FreeeeDom is
16 years ago
still bored