Cheshire Nyan
23Friends 35Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Sleep is the buffer to life's next episode
Cheshire Nyan
3 years ago
Just leave me alooneee. I rarely ever do second dates. 😫
Cheshire Nyan
3 years ago
Just trying to keep it together minute by minute.
Cheshire Nyan
3 years ago
ISTG today is one of the worst days of my life. I just don't want to sleep because if I wake up it'll just get worse
Cheshire Nyan
3 years ago
Like I know I can drive but when you start taking it for granted and I have to drive from my office to basically my house which is an hour away with the traffic, and then go back out to a mall, when you could have just taken Grab, and you're like, "I'll wait," when I said the traffic isn't moving, it just seems pointless. I could do without your company.
Cheshire Nyan
3 years ago 1
My biggest fear is getting a job that I hate. The idea of that makes me so anxious.
Cheshire Nyan
3 years ago
Do people actually enjoy this??? I hate thisssss !! Dating apps are so stressful 😭😭😭 I just want this to be over and stop trying to meet new people when I hate meeting new people.
Cheshire Nyan
3 years ago
I'm so effing noob at this & have a tendency to overthink everything. aeurgh. I hate this. It's so stressful! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M GUILTY FOR STEALING SOMEONE'S HEART?!!?! TF WHO IS THIS SOMEONE?!? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SPELL IT OUT?!?
Cheshire Nyan
3 years ago 2
I may or may not have a date tomorrow and I am freaking out. I am too much of an introvert and homebody for this.
Cheshire Nyan
3 years ago
friggin hate having to sit through a one hour interview when the red flags already start showing themselves from the beginning. Like why are y'all so hostile?
Cheshire Nyan
4 years ago
I honestly can't believe that in the midst of her preparing my files for court this morning, she just upped and left, to BUY KEROPOK?!?! like wtffffffffffff