Like I know I can drive but when you start taking it for granted and I have to drive from my office to basically my house which is an hour away with the traffic, and then go back out to a mall, when you could have just taken Grab, and you're like, "I'll wait," when I said the traffic isn't moving, it just seems pointless. I could do without your company.
Do people actually enjoy this??? I hate thisssss !! Dating apps are so stressful 😭😭😭 I just want this to be over and stop trying to meet new people when I hate meeting new people.
I'm so effing noob at this & have a tendency to overthink everything. aeurgh. I hate this. It's so stressful! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M GUILTY FOR STEALING SOMEONE'S HEART?!!?! TF WHO IS THIS SOMEONE?!? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SPELL IT OUT?!?
friggin hate having to sit through a one hour interview when the red flags already start showing themselves from the beginning. Like why are y'all so hostile?
I honestly can't believe that in the midst of her preparing my files for court this morning, she just upped and left, to BUY KEROPOK?!?! like wtffffffffffff