Imagine you're living in 1012 AD (during the time of the Vikings). Can you imagine 1000 yrs into the future (ie present day) if you were a Viking during that time?
warranz eh... Hawaii 5-0 is a Microsoft-sponsored show... everything on it is MS stuff... recently Skype was bought by MS and now it's shown on Hawaii 5-0 as a means of communications...
if humans ever have space passenger ships, I bet we'd eject the garbage (and very likely the "sewage") into space too... and aliens will get shit splatting on their viewscreens
As a kid, I remember some TV series as having been run (eg 6 Mill Dollar Man) for a long time. Now when I check IMDB, I find they were only on for 2 or 3 seasons back in the 80s... "time truly is relative"