0Friends 1Fans
female Depok, Indonesia
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
Be Patient, Flo! :-)
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
now is the right time.
You know that thing you have been putting off? Now is the right time to do it. Remember ... if you act like now is all the time you have, you will always have all the time in the world.
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
Don’t need to know all the answers! :-)
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
Like a snowflake, you are same and different from all others. In a bed of snow, every snowflake belongs and every snowflake is unique. :-))
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
It may be a time of new beginnings, a time of growth, a time of reaping the harvest of hard work, or a time of rest. Trust this beautiful order. Everything in its time. :-)
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
I don't stop when i'm tired, i stop when i'm done! Common you can do it! Go fighting Flo! :-D
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
60 interior sketch + 18 Floor plan + Floor plan,Section, Maquette = 2 Days #Assignment #Architecture #7th Semester #AMAZING! :-&
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
Your talent is God's gift to you.
What you do with it is your gift back to God. :-)
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
"House of History"
FlorentiaTan says
10 years ago
You become what you do. :-)