4Friends 9Fans
male Budapest, Hungary
FirePlurk, a Plurk addon for Firefox.

Developed by: Endyl
FirePlurk says
15 years ago 1
New release coming soon with content aware context menu plurking feature. Will be availbale this weekend.
FirePlurk says
15 years ago 1
version 0.1.1 is out containing fixes for all major detected bugs and inconveniences :-)
FirePlurk says
15 years ago 3
Updates coming tonight, fixed the previously mentioned issues, and the qualifiers will also update according to the selected language in the
FirePlurk says
15 years ago 7
Well, there is a memory leaking issue when using Firefox with multiple windows. I'm uploading a fix to it as soon as I can.
FirePlurk shares
15 years ago 5