10Friends 14Fans
female Kelso, WA, United States
I've stopped using Plurk. Too many places to check.If you want to follow me, see me on these sites:
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FiberDreams is
15 years ago
amazed at how much sleep I got in the last 24 hours. Geez. It was split up in odd groupings, but a LOT. I guess I was tired.
FiberDreams wonders
15 years ago
whatever happened to everyone she shared that fabulous day with on 07-07-77.
FiberDreams wonders
15 years ago
what a good, *washable* yarn would be for a baby blanket. Do you have a favorite?
FiberDreams says
15 years ago
it's nice working on patterns before the sun comes up. Quiet. Darkness helps. Now the sun's up, and I need caffeine!
FiberDreams says
15 years ago
dinner next door was yummy: shrimp scampi, huge salad, 2 bottles of white wine for 3 people. Yum. Time for bed now.
FiberDreams feels
15 years ago
better now. Fixes in the works. Repeated print jobs submitted to new printer. Extra patterns in stock worth it. They'll sell. Relief!
FiberDreams says
15 years ago
finally talked to original printer. I'm sending samples of the irregularities for their perusal. It's all so odd. Working at fixing. Yea!
FiberDreams says
15 years ago
I may have found a new printer to handle my pattern printing. Fingers crossed. Looks good so far. Wish they were on this coast. Shrug.
FiberDreams says
15 years ago 2
I am so not getting satisfaction from my current printer re this ongoing problem. They're ignoring me. Gak!
FiberDreams says
15 years ago
I hate getting up at 2, back in bed at 6, to get up with a horrid nightmare only 2 hours later. Puts a bad spin on the whole morning. :-(