58Friends 23Fans
female Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
I Love Super Junior, I Love Yesung i love yoo seung ho.. Selamanya saya menjadi Seorang ELF dan Cinta Yesung, tapi Allah SWT No 1..
Miss.Simple, suka dengan hal yang berbau KOREA, pengen banget punya hanbok.. tapi kgk kesampaian..
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 1
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 2
waww sejarahhh.. hmmm
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 1
lunch dulu ahh (hungry)
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 1
See you (highfive)
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 1
i wanna be that girl who can be with you forever (cozy)
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 1
the sweet and happy word 'i love you' .. and i'll promise you as a spesial girlfriend ...
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 1
thank you 'i love you' and i will give you happiness (K)
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 2
and i need your love to pull me up...
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 1
benci sama orang SOMBONG!!!
FebriELFYesung says
11 years ago 1
apalah gunanya kalo SOMBONG!!!!