61Friends 56Fans
male Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
that bitch from my own tv show which never exists. shane dawson is a part of lifestyle. live for the ghettoism and of course my god, Allah :-) . beware, my ugliness might destroy your vision, perhaps you'll be blinded for a while :-)))
Fnoonee says
13 years ago
hmm wgwgwg terlalu frontal gini di plurk -_-
Fnoonee says
13 years ago
you're still a prince charming for me. but not mine anymore :')
Fnoonee says
13 years ago 1
plulk cepi yah u,u
Fnoonee says
13 years ago 1
Unbroken is a must buy album hahahaaaa :-)
Fnoonee says
13 years ago
kesambet apa deni. sekarang sering nyapa gue sama ima :-)
Fnoonee says
13 years ago
karma hit me. well, life sucks. can't predict future.
Fnoonee says
13 years ago
hahaaaa. bitches. go suck a knife.
Fnoonee says
13 years ago
tobat gue. -_- .
Fnoonee says
13 years ago 3
mahesucks really sucksss. gahh i hate him
Fnoonee says
13 years ago
i hate you, jakarta. for being a really hot city. aaahhh fffuuuu jakarta's really hot! (angry)