134Friends 132Fans
male Second life
FATEwear - mesh fashion for men
FATEstep - mesh footwear for women and men
FATEplay - mesh cosplay for women and men

10 years ago 1
FATEisland is open again!
10 years ago
FATEisland is currently closed, please use the marketplace for all purchases in the meantime. Sorry for the inconvenience!
10 years ago 9
Win one of FIVE L$5,000 FATE gift cards, redeemable at any FATE store by leaving your Second Life username on the entry post at FATE's Facebook page.
10 years ago 2
https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ep6JGPSfukk/UZ3jrRVJ4yI/AAAAAAAAB5Y/-lIMExoGg8w/s400/goodnewseveryone.png After a lengthy absence the gift card system has returned to FATE. You can find the gift card vendors and redemption boards at the entrance to each FATE brand store. Enjoy :-)
FATE shares
10 years ago 1
The sale is now on! @ FATEisland only.