31Friends 10Fans
female Corpus Christi, TX, United States
I am a knitting, reading, video game loving, geeky, scrapbooking, homeschooling wife and mom. I love my life and my family.
EngineersFalcon says
12 years ago 2
it's Christmas at our house! We are celebrating as a family before we travel on Friday. Kids got school supplies and Harry Potter wands and LEGO sets. Best morning ever.
EngineersFalcon hates
12 years ago
that she is going to have give up on "catching up" on podcasts. I am going to have to resign myself to everyone's current episode - just not enough hours in the day. There are so many great casts out there.
EngineersFalcon says
12 years ago
I am going to try to double school today (triple in some books I am reading to them) and finish our semester a day early. Kinda a crazy shot, but I would love a knitting/movie day tomorrow - and so would they!
EngineersFalcon thinks
12 years ago
learning Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock can be worked into the homeschool curriculum. Vocabulary maybe? decapitates, vaporizes, disproves... those are good vocabulary words for a 3rd and 4th grader.
EngineersFalcon thinks
12 years ago
this is too stinkin' cute: A Giggle with the Goats Christmas - www.youtube-nocookie.com...
EngineersFalcon wonders
12 years ago
how deep into a political discussion to go with someone she doesn't know, on the internet. Normal I would avoid this like a horrid disease.
EngineersFalcon says
12 years ago
giving the kids their spelling test is more fun when I am plurking at the same time.
EngineersFalcon says
12 years ago 8
Wylee, my 8 yr old daughter, with a sigh: In history we still haven't gotten to who invented My Little Pony.
EngineersFalcon says
12 years ago
the first 8 patterns in my queue are 4 pairs of socks and 4 shawls - it sounds like the first part of 2013 is perfectly planned!
EngineersFalcon says
12 years ago
must keep knitting. One stinkin stitch at a time. Must keep going.