20Friends 3Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
Emmyqt says
13 years ago 2
Emmyqt says
13 years ago 1
shut down my fb cause too many jerks around
Emmyqt says
13 years ago
you really made me sick! shame of you
Emmyqt says
13 years ago
things cant not be changed when you didnt grab it on that time.....please stay with the people and things that important to you.
Emmyqt says
13 years ago
double side
Emmyqt says
13 years ago
you are not a good friend
Emmyqt says
13 years ago
get it fresh~dont get it too over.....
Emmyqt says
13 years ago
Emmyqt says
13 years ago
you break my heart entirely
Emmyqt says
13 years ago
morning....raining finally