25Friends 106Fans
female Deux-montagnes, QC, Canada
I'm Em. I live in 2mo :-P

I love hanging out with my friends, reading, gaming, watching or reading anime, and drawing or coloring every now and then. :-)
~Em is
13 years ago 6
so fucking tired. This morning when my dad called to tell me he was going to pick me up he said ''Ill be leaving in 20 minutes" and then à
~Em is
13 years ago 7
going to change my attitude as of today. Things have been stressful but being upset about it wont help at all. I need to keep positive :-)
~Em is
13 years ago
tired. At my parents house for the night while the pesticide subsides
~Em is
13 years ago 7
tired, wanna go home but home is full of bed bugs :-(
~Em is
13 years ago
preparing for my mad dash to the train!!! D:
~Em feels
13 years ago
like it took moving out for my parents to treat me right.
~Em says
13 years ago 4
BYE GAIS. I dunno when the next time is that I will be using the internet.. have no internet at the apartment. :-) miss you all.
~Em has
13 years ago 1
finished all the deep cleaning on the list.. just gonna chill for a bit. all thats left to do is walk the dogs at 8:30 :-)
~Em feels
13 years ago 4
like Im getting a cold.. and Im working a 15 hour shift today. if I ask for a replacement theyll say im unreliable again.. :-(
~Em has
13 years ago 15
checked out 5 apartments in the past day. Already found one that looks really promising. Just one more I really want to check out.