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Cairo, Egypt
I love Ancient Egyptian civilization and the history of the Great Kings .Also travel and movement between its huge and amazing monuments . For this loved blogging about the Ancient Egyptians.

Egy king
2 years ago
During the New Kingdom Ramsees II and his successors were unable to pull Egypt out of what would prove to be a long and steady decline, bringing to an end the glorious age of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

The Decline of the Pharaohs
2 years ago
Ancient Egyptian Statues
The statues of Gods and Pharaohs were made from different stones such as granite, basalt, alabaster, limestone, gneiss, gypsum, and Graywacke Gesso.

Ancient Egyptian Statues
2 years ago
Inside the alabaster canopic chest of King Tutankhamun was divided into four compartments, each holding a miniature coffin containing the viscera gold of the king, wrapped in bandages.

Tutankhamun Gold Coffin
2 years ago
The Sema-tawy sign is one of the ancient Egyptian symbols, which means the unification of the two lands, and as we know that the ancient Egyptian loves symbolism, he brings a type of plant to point to the north and a different kind of plant refers to the south and connects these two types of plants on one peg.

The Sematawy sign
2 years ago
This marvelous bed belonged to Queen Hetepheres, the mother of King Khufu and wife of King Senefru. The queen's funerary bed was transported from her original hypogeum, or subterranean burial chamber, at Dahshur to another tomb east of the Great Pyramid at Giza by her son King Khufu to provide more security.

The Bed of Queen Hetepheres
2 years ago
Tutankhamun sandals have engraved decoration that replicates woven reeds. Created specifically for the afterlife, they still covered the feet of Tutankhamun when Howard Carter unwrapped the mummy. As for those solid gold finger and toe covers.They were very colorful, shiny shoes.

Tutankhamun sandals
2 years ago
बास्ट मिस्र की देवी

बास्ट अर्थ प्राचीन मिस्र की एक पवित्र बिल्ली है। बास्ट सबसे पहले और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण एक संरक्षक है; विशेष रूप से शाही घराने और दो भूमियों का। बाद में उन्हें आनंद

Bastet meaning is a sacred cat of ancient Egypt. Bastet is first and foremost a protectress.
Bast meaning in hindi बस्ट - मतलब हिंदी में
2 years ago
These four alabaster jars contained packages in the shape of human mummies, each wrapped in cloth and topped by a small gilt mask.

Four Canopic Jars of Thuya
2 years ago
The ancient Egypt symbols and concrete pictures were some of the means the Egyptians used to be able to understand and describe their universe. As many other nations the Egyptians found the animal kingdom full of suitable tools to give life to their thoughts.

Egyptian symbols and meanings
2 years ago
Tombs in Ancient Egypt

It was believed, in ancient Egypt, a tomb, they are designed and built correctly, has the power to give life and give immortality to its owner died. Thus, for many years could be devoted to the preparation and construction of tombs, which were known to the ancient Egyptians as "houses of eternity."

Tombs in Ancient Egypt