3Friends 4Fans
male Seattle, WA, United States
只有云游四海,才会发现世界的美;每个国家都有我喜欢的地方,很多地方有people I like and love,BUT... many people I don't like occupies the most of the world... 但是,我们还是要去爱他们!!!藉由爱,我们才会发现他们的可爱!!!
EasternEagle says
13 years ago
Self-made Italian bread with olive oil w my special rich cafe for breakfast this morning :-))
EasternEagle says
13 years ago
fish-pork balls w chopped Chinese mashroom makes great soup, healthy and light! A little chopped celery & black pepper when ready
EasternEagle has
13 years ago
rainy and cold weather in Hainan today :-(
EasternEagle has
13 years ago
been looking for a store to run business for a longlong time...
EasternEagle feels
13 years ago
weak, sleepless again after五小时断断续续的浅睡
EasternEagle is
13 years ago
back to the normal life today
EasternEagle says
13 years ago
morning to the world
EasternEagle wishes
13 years ago
better health...still dizzy and high blood pressure...
EasternEagle wishes
13 years ago
the virus goes away ASAP; I'm doing 200 push-up and eating double food to fight against it!!!