24Friends 3Fans
male Toronto, ON, Canada
EastYorkDisneyFan says
11 years ago
I just decided to change my twitter handle to EYDF_Thomas and unlock my tweets
EastYorkDisneyFan says
11 years ago 2
Lorien: saw this at a Farm in Toronto today and thought of you http://www.flickr.com/photos/11288498@N02/8486609544/in/photostream
EastYorkDisneyFan says
11 years ago 7
does anyone think Disney is doing too much with Star Wars?
EastYorkDisneyFan says
11 years ago
saw a trailer for star trek and it's only a maybe at best
EastYorkDisneyFan asks
11 years ago
why do people play there music outlays on a buss have they not gets of headphones
EastYorkDisneyFan says
12 years ago 5
not really thrilled about the new magic bands at WDW would rather have a card instead
EastYorkDisneyFan says
12 years ago
happy new year everyone on the east coast
EastYorkDisneyFan says
12 years ago 2
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my family, friends and followers!
EastYorkDisneyFan says
12 years ago 1
so it appers the myans were wrong the World did not end today