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female Second life
Marketing consultant working for Kidsbridge Tolerance Museum (www.kidsbridgemuseum.org and dustyartaud.posterous.com)
DustyArtaud says
14 years ago
"Starbucks Cards Can Now be Managed via Facebook" - tinyurl.com/33eo2lt
DustyArtaud says
14 years ago
"How Should We Deal with Cyber-Bullying?" - tinyurl.com/2vtbxrs npsl
DustyArtaud says
14 years ago
"Technology Enables Local Governments to Collaborate" - tinyurl.com/2espsla SL
DustyArtaud says
14 years ago
"We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint" - tinyurl.com/2d32l3k does ppt use really dumb us down?
DustyArtaud says
14 years ago
May 4th 2:30PM SLT vwer discussion on Copyright & Intellectual Property tinyurl.com/23tgub5 vwer npsl techsoup
DustyArtaud says
14 years ago
OMG! JohnnyGWeir debuts"Heartbroken" and does Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance' !!! tinyurl.com/y5eqv8q icetheatre realityWEIR
DustyArtaud says
14 years ago
"Rutgers Day brings in thousands to campus-wide event" - tinyurl.com/242o5ah Using SL to promote campus future VWER
DustyArtaud says
14 years ago
"The Copyright War: How Asia Is Leading the Way" - tinyurl.com/2dcrcjb
DustyArtaud says
14 years ago
"UMass' Second Life: Do virtual worlds hold the future of online education?" - tinyurl.com/2bquwj8 sl vwbpe vwer education iste
DustyArtaud is
14 years ago 3
seeing women friends half-naked in SL lately. What does viewer 2/old viewer switching do to clothing?