Jim Moriarty
2Friends 2Fans
Wilmette, IL, United States
Jim Moriarty
13 years ago 3
Every time I eat an apple (which is pretty much once a day), my Jim muse kindly informs me that apple seeds contain cyanide.
Jim Moriarty
13 years ago
Amazing Music Mix I've been listening to: ☠ FUCK MIX ☠ From burning sensual foreplay to...
Jim Moriarty
13 years ago 14
Why so expensive? www.ebay.com/itm/Deluxe-...
Jim Moriarty
13 years ago
sings "Dream of para-para-paradise~"
Jim Moriarty
13 years ago 8
... Moriarty muse has taken over. One part wanting to make something explode, one part singing loudly to the radio. Yup.
Jim Moriarty
13 years ago 1
egg, bacon & cheese sandwich + fries was not enough to fill me up. Guh. Wasted lunch break? At least I read some MorMor.
Jim Moriarty
13 years ago
Mixed Seb and Moriarty Tea. Oh does the spiciness linger. nom nom nom.
Jim Moriarty
13 years ago 4
doesn't want to be here at work today. Tired and cranky; Can't wait for archery to shoot something.
Jim Moriarty is
13 years ago 33
really tempted to cosplay Moriarty now in addition to John Watson. To buy some hi top sneakers and crown? Y/Y?