178Friends 56Fans
female Acton, CA, United States
Psychologist, Shakespearean, host of the CogKnitive Podcast, llama-mama, dogophile. Life is glorious up on the farm!
DrGemma says
10 years ago 2
2.5 miles this morning--nearly killed myself on that last hill, though. GOOD NEWS: My weight is down 5 pounds over the last 3 weeks! HAPPY DANCIN’!
DrGemma says
10 years ago 12
No kidney stones, no tumors, just mystery bleeding in pee and an upcoming urology appointment.
DrGemma says
10 years ago 4
Bonus points: my 10K steps alarm went off on my fitbit just as I reached the finish line!
DrGemma says
10 years ago 8
See Gemma.See Gemma run 5K. See Gemma really happy!
DrGemma says
10 years ago 3
Mugging with the race mascot at the running expo today. 5K tomorrow!
DrGemma says
10 years ago
2.25 uphill miles this morning, then ultrasound (nothing showed) for kidney stones later. Be nice to run without pain one fine day...
DrGemma says
10 years ago 2
Mother's little fire ninja!
DrGemma says
10 years ago
Episode 177: Comfortably Busy is live.
DrGemma says
10 years ago 6
2.5 mile run! Blew past the 10K step goal on fitbit at 10:51 AM! I feel amazing! 1 week to 5K race!
DrGemma says
10 years ago
Eleanor actually greeted everyone at the vet's office with joy when she went back today for her follow-up. She's her normal, ebullient self!