I'm a furry from Canada! I'm here to browse for other furries and maybe meet people! :3 I am visiting from Sept. 13 until October 11, staying in Hsinchu.
哎呀,我一直沒睡太晚了。 我們從明天開始我們的旅程東海岸!我們的路線:宜蘭 -> 太魯閣國家公園 ->綠島 ->墾丁國家公園 ->高雄市 I stayed awake too late! We start our tour of the East Coast tomorrow. Our route: Yilan -> Taroko Gorge -> Ludao -> Kenting -> Kaohsiung!
I spent all day yesterday flying, Calgary to Seattle to Tokyo to Taipei. And now I'm in Hsinchu, yay! So excited! 我花了昨天一整天飞来飞去,卡尔加里飞往西雅图到东京到台北。而现在我在新竹,耶!很興奮!