39Friends 13Fans
male Limbang, Malaysia
DonnyW feels
13 years ago
powerless, helpless, sad, disappointed!!
DonnyW says
13 years ago
I cannot find a suitable person to talk but only to plurk at here..
DonnyW says
13 years ago
I'm tired.. but I have to revise and adjust my attitude...
DonnyW says
13 years ago
I have to be cruel this time cause you make me so.. I have been reasonable with you for times.. but not for this last time..
DonnyW says
13 years ago
legal assignment is done!!! left references!! settle it tomorrow!!
DonnyW says
13 years ago
"the honorary title" (music)(music)(music)(music)(music)
DonnyW says
13 years ago
lack of motivation.. full of laziness..
DonnyW says
13 years ago
PingGuo, thanks for your wish at Facebook there!!
DonnyW says
13 years ago
happy birthday to myself.. rain celebrate with me.. (LOL)
DonnyW says
13 years ago
sorry that to keep you all run like dogs.. cause I played wrong gang of person.. never mind.. once in a 4 years..