12Friends 17Fans
male Tangerang, Indonesia
..serius tapi santai..
Donder is
15 years ago
watching MJ on yahoo streaming...
Donder is
15 years ago 1
can we go home now??????? X-(
Donder is
15 years ago 5
ada yg mo ikut gaakk?
Donder is
15 years ago
enjoy the silence - depenche mode
Donder is
15 years ago
two ppt to go.. :'-(
Donder is
15 years ago 2
bis makan,ntemil biskuit sambil ngopi..
Donder is
15 years ago
Donder says
15 years ago
tidur dulu aahhh.... :-)
Donder feels
15 years ago
Donder hopes
15 years ago
bisa tdr cepet neh..