So in my midst of not being able to sleep I did some serious budgeting (up to the end of the year) and could get my cover up in November after paying off things like overdraft and gas bill. XD
Figured out the perfect birthday gift for my sister in 5 years time. XD
Got to my mums yesterday and had a chat with my little sister and I realised she grew up and matured hella quick. Some of the topics that popped up were interesting.
I'm über proud of myself for realising I need to turn a few leaves over even if it means I'm not benefitting certain people anymore.
Just made a Harry potter mashup for drag. I can't wait to use this. XD
Is it wrong to want a fuckboy for my next boyfriend? XD
So I got stood up again... Plus side I got the last copy of super mystery dungeon and deadpool was freaking awesome. XD
Goddamnit why did my gaffer tape run out now? XD
Thanks to Facebook I just found the day my ex told everyone he supported hitler... I laugh at myself now for saying what I said because man was I dumb af.
I also recently found out what it's like when I don't tuck...