145Friends 123Fans
female Prescott Valley, AZ, United States
I'm the host of a weekly podcast called DomestiKated Darling, a mommy, and a wife among other things.... I love to do just about any craft I can get my hands on so I have a very eclectic Etsy shop. Everyday I'm trying something a little different. :-D
DomestiKatedDarling shares
13 years ago 3
This is the email i sent back to my customer that requested the refund...
DomestiKatedDarling says
13 years ago 9
I'm not very happy with my customer, this woman bought a tight fitting top from me, she asked if she could return it, even though i didnt
DomestiKatedDarling says
13 years ago 1
woke up to even more snow, i had no idea it snowed this much in :-)
DomestiKatedDarling says
13 years ago 1
goodnight all (wave)
DomestiKatedDarling says
13 years ago 2
woot! Major snowfall last night and today! (dance)
DomestiKatedDarling asks
13 years ago 4
can i download patterns off ravelry onto a kindle fire?
DomestiKatedDarling says
13 years ago 1
good night all (wave)
DomestiKatedDarling says
13 years ago
going to hang with the hubs and paint for a bit tonight :-)
DomestiKatedDarling says
13 years ago 6
good morning all (wave)
DomestiKatedDarling says
13 years ago 1
mandatory 4 hr. meeting at work today, i am less than thrilled