10Friends 5Fans
female Grimstad, Norway
This plurk supports force-free training methods and science-based understanding of animal behavior.

Dogology is not a trainer, behaviorist, or veterinary professional, and discussions or advice given should not take the place of any of the above.
7 years ago 3
[PSA] Trying to guess the breed makeup of your mixed-breed dog can be really fun! But in 99.9% of circumstances, your dog is not a rare breed mix. Particularly not when the number of said breed in your country is only in the double digits.
7 years ago 2
[Medical] Really awesome discussion of vaccinations, the realities, and risks from an actual vet: drferox
7 years ago 36
[Training] I probably shouldn't reply to "discussions" about ecollars. I did anyway.
7 years ago 28
[Forum Nonsense] "My pomsky got my jug pregnant what breed will the puppies be"
7 years ago 1
What actually inspired me to post again. Let me introduce y'all to Dr. Ferox, a vet who's been making Important Videos about how common animal diseases work. I feel like her most recent one in particular is incredibly informative and important for people to understand:
Canine Parvovirus and its 'Miracle' Cures.
7 years ago 2
[AMA] Hello Hello! Sorry for the long absence. Life got away from me for a bit and I had to let other things take priority. For anyone who's still around, let's kick back off with an Ask Me Anything!
7 years ago 4
[Training] So the Monks of New Skete (or rather, one monk and a dog trainer) have a new book out.
7 years ago 22
[Biology Nerd Rambles] Okay, so let's talk about why species are not real!
7 years ago 5
[Genetics] Would a ramble about why species aren't real and the fallibility of trying to categorize things that aren't categorizable be interesting to people here or is that too far down the rabbit hole?
7 years ago 19
[cw: euthanasia talk, pet death (not mine)] I try really, really hard not to judge people who make the call to euthanize, especially when it comes to behavioral issues. Which is why I'm posting this here and not on the forum it came up on. But.