38Friends 47Fans
male Laramie, WY, United States
Doc Stock is a professor at the University of Wyoming and a former superintendent. He survived and wrote a book about his experience as a blogging superintendent. The School Administrator's Guide to Blogging: A New Way to Connect with the Community.
DocStock says
16 years ago 3
he is finally feeling mostly alive again. Nasty crud going around.
DocStock thinks
16 years ago 1
he's tired of sitting all day but I am learning alot
16 years ago 2
live at AASA. Lencioni's 5 dysfunctions of a team. Lack, conflict, commitment, avoiding accountability, inattention to results!
DocStock is
16 years ago
boarding plane for San Fran. AASA conference. I will be blogging the conference for AASA. aasaconference.blogspot....
DocStock is
16 years ago 2
done blogging today and is working on materials for class Friday and Saturday
DocStock wonders
16 years ago 5
how many plurkers also twitter and which do you like best?
DocStock is
16 years ago 3
tired, ran 7 miles and biked 7 for a cool down!
DocStock is
16 years ago
clearing emails out and checking the blog site for comments.
DocStock is
16 years ago 6
up blogging at 2:30 AM. Not good. Don't U hate it when an idea rumbles around until you have to write it down in order to sleep!
DocStock wonders
16 years ago
how do we teach internet ethics? We can't just block everything.