9Friends 0Fans
female Singapore
I fought hard for the battle,
Cried hard during the war,
Prayed hard for world peace,
And most of all,
Kept you in my heart.
♥DigOutMyHeart wonders
15 years ago
♥DigOutMyHeart says
15 years ago
no matter how time goes by, its just the feelings in the heart that counts.
15 years ago
♥DigOutMyHeart 好奇
15 years ago
15 years ago
♥DigOutMyHeart feels
15 years ago
that pouring of tears is just the start of the mistake.
♥DigOutMyHeart needs
15 years ago
YOU! -,-
♥DigOutMyHeart wants
15 years ago
to stop all these and start anew.
♥DigOutMyHeart says
15 years ago
confusion is filling up my empty mind.
♥DigOutMyHeart says
15 years ago