79Friends 170Fans
male Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I'm a very positive person and also negative in the same time.I enjoy life to the fullest but despise it in the same time.But at last I will continue to live on in this majestic and cruel world.
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
history was successful xD
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
Phew,finally sweep out colleges stuff into their proper places,my room finally looks neat now!
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
lol,look at my stacks of figure
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
Who knew being alone is so hard to be accomplish while I always have been hugged by my lovely friends all around me?
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
Well then,i be taking off
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
1 more "class" lol lol!
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
when the tomorrow days of the montly goal
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
yes,poster saveeee.,love u guys
Dillon/3388 says
13 years ago
aiya~smart la u history group...:~==