28Friends 27Fans
female Alvin, TX, United States
Woman with a crazy hobby business as a fiber dyer, knitter, and all-around poor housekeeper.
Tilandra shares
15 years ago 1
https://images.plurk.com/233672_b351eb747cb02b241634d414fb407d8e.jpg Here's how the "Silk Roses" colors turned out on the sw merino/bamboo/nylon blend.
Tilandra says
15 years ago
I think I woke up full of sassiness this morning.
Tilandra says
15 years ago
I am one piece of tape away from packing up a box... and when do you think the tape ran out?? Yep.
Tilandra shares
15 years ago 1
https://images.plurk.com/233672_b678d9b74cf8b817ae8a826906607ad3.jpg Sorry folks... this one is all mine! :-D Merino/Tussah 80/20
Tilandra says
15 years ago 1
"Purple Heart" roving is up. The black acted a little weird on this batch.
Tilandra says
15 years ago 4
waking up at 4am when you don't have to bites the big cheese.
Tilandra is
15 years ago 1
thinking of making a smoothie with some plain yogurt and frozen raspberries.
Tilandra says
15 years ago
Aw jeeze, just opened iTunes and realized I accidentally named my last blog post after the latest LimenViolet episode! Illness does that...
Tilandra says
15 years ago 1
Husband is a good guy. Any guy that will stop for a bag of frozen french fries on the way home is okay in my book. :-D
Tilandra says
15 years ago 1
Well despite my waffling about it in my blog post, I just dyed my merino/silk roving. :/ In a roses colorway. I never learn, lol.