487Friends 441Fans
female Australia
,thats the real me. =]

SHE is my gender ;]

BUT you'll meet me in MANY NAMES here =P

[h o b b i e s]
I play I net Isoundtrips I watch tv I eat I hang out

[i ♥]
sora I pink I CCS I Black Chocolates I Watching my movies I
☼SÀÐÐÂkÖ0175☼ says
14 years ago 1
*BYE NA** hehe :-)) **deplurk** :-P cyahhhhh!!! Ingatsss y'all :-)) HEHE
☼SÀÐÐÂkÖ0175☼ says
14 years ago
**A FREEZE SHOW OFF** wth my friends at *Opera house* before (LOL)https://images.plurk.com/3943626_f61309fd81d33f72f417cfc5db183160.jpg
watching **Avatar** soon in DVD :-)) hehe
☼SÀÐÐÂkÖ0175☼ shares
14 years ago 8
https://images.plurk.com/3943626_f5bdcbbcfc19e4c2f585458810810e8c.jpg this is d *apple cake iBake before ages ago*(LOL) https://images.plurk.com/3943626_e242bc0fc26753174f16ae8599aa700d.jpg &made some *spikes* on it..
☼SÀÐÐÂkÖ0175☼ shares
14 years ago 44
**d mocha cake i just baked last night** :-)) https://images.plurk.com/3943626_44e7e198a227462136c0867281b81607.jpg *i just put some choco toppings on the top* LOL
☼SÀÐÐÂkÖ0175☼ asks
14 years ago
*why some guys call late in the middle of d night* ? LOL :-P(unsure)
☼SÀÐÐÂkÖ0175☼ says
14 years ago 1
*brb* (wave)
☼SÀÐÐÂkÖ0175☼ says
14 years ago
san na ang mga **PLURKERSS** ?? (unsure) (LOL):'-(
☼SÀÐÐÂkÖ0175☼ says
14 years ago 49
*bored* :-&(LOL)
☼SÀÐÐÂkÖ0175☼ loves
14 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/3943626_5261b1931c26b4af79ae3ee42e399d06.jpg **SUShii** :-)) LOL (hungry)