78Friends 105Fans
female Columbia, SC, United States
Hummmm whats there to say. RL artist, SL designer. Owner and Creator of Staged Skin and Fashion. I create skins and clothing and am happy to make custom works. Love making friends!
14 years ago 2
bought her tickets today for her vacation in Japan. HUZZAH!!!!!!
14 years ago
need coffee and meds. Annual party was pretty amazing but sweet goodness couldn't we get home before 2:30? We all work today :-(
14 years ago 2
little sleep before full day of work and then anual part for work in a city 2 hours away then sleep and back to work for another full day.
14 years ago 8
sick with a sinus infection. Not fun...not fun at all!
Dezi_Jarvinen 推荐
14 years ago 6 need a vote. Working on a new skin and i can't decide on the breast with more shading or less shading. HELP!
14 years ago
i am soooo damn tired....had a fun time with friends after work but omg...bed NOW!
14 years ago
off to work. I look so moda today that it hurts. No really my feet are already killing me but these shoes are HOT
14 years ago
why is it the people who say "I am not looking for anything serious" are always the one who after 1 or 2 days sing a different tune?
Dezi_Jarvinen 推荐
14 years ago
time for all good and bad kitties and owners to get some sleep. Have to stop staying up so late. Night night!!
Dezi_Jarvinen 推荐
14 years ago 7