Miss Alexandra
64Friends 7Fans
Riverview, NB, Canada
Tacky drag queen blogger seeks colour in the world.

Feel free to add! Always happy to make new friends!

Alexandra Nevermind (devereaubeauregard) - Flickr
Miss Alexandra
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
https://flic.kr/p/FcK7yW This side of the moon could take you out of darkness
Miss Alexandra
7 years ago
https://flic.kr/p/Jge93F The Devil is in the Details.
Miss Alexandra
7 years ago
The existence of Plurk karma haunts me.
Miss Alexandra
7 years ago
Now I must lament that I will now look weird for having snowmen out all year. Like that ever stopped me.
Miss Alexandra
7 years ago 2
What's everyone's plans for tonight?
Miss Alexandra
7 years ago
I hope everyone has a great new year! Stay safe and don't freeze to death.
Miss Alexandra
7 years ago
My life for more masculine unisex heads.
Miss Alexandra
7 years ago 7
https://www.flickr.com/photos/devereaubeauregard/38624107864 You're just a cold heart covered in gold.
Miss Alexandra
7 years ago 12
Whaaat in the world is this Backdrop City mess? I keep hearing little bits and pieces about it, but I'm mostly in the dark.