3Friends 1Fans
female Mandaluyong, Philippines
Denny04 says
14 years ago 1
back to school. 2nd day :|
Denny04 hates
14 years ago
having an older brother who has classmates over -_-
14 years ago 7
tries and man the weird people there are so UUUUGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!
Denny04 says
14 years ago 13
Just watched Sex and the City 2 and it was entertaining (woot)
Denny04 says
14 years ago 9
dammit Phoenix wright
Denny04 feels
14 years ago 6
weird-sick, I've been having tummy aches that go on and off, and it's already been like 3 days.
Denny04 says
14 years ago
I finally FINALLY finished a game :3 Now on to the next one!!!
Denny04 says
14 years ago 3
I could use a wish right now ;_;
Denny04 asks
14 years ago
When is fall in America?
Denny04 says
14 years ago
I promised myself that I'll wait and slowly save up cash for a doll... But dammit the feelings of wanting one immediately are bubbling back.