2Friends 4Fans
male Hamilton, ON, Canada
blocter says
15 years ago 2
I have no Karma!!! School will do that to you!!!
blocter says
15 years ago
I saw The Final Destination last night. It was super gory!
blocter says
15 years ago
I'm gonna be in school on Tuesday!
blocter says
15 years ago
I have not done a lot of plurking!!!
blocter says
15 years ago
G.I. Joe was awesome!
blocter says
15 years ago
yup, it was in
blocter hopes
15 years ago
the muffler for the Suburban is in tomorrow
blocter has
15 years ago
cut some cedars. Going to cut more tomorrow.
blocter is
15 years ago 3
rethinking who he needs to hang out with
blocter wonders
15 years ago 6
if Star Trek teaches us that "Resistance is Futile." What does Star Wars teach us?