98Friends 60Fans
female Second Life, Maniku Bay, Ochreous, United States
Writer, journalist and photographer (Worked for Essence of Style, Peoplz and Scruplz Magazines)
Asymetrique Model
Desire says
12 years ago
I've been so busy all day I haven't had a chance to chat. Hope you all are having a good day. (wave) (cozy)
Desire says
12 years ago
Okies time to go! (cozy)
Desire says
12 years ago
Thank God this day is over. 8 more works days til surgery and counting. I've got so much to do. (insert pull hair emoticon here).
Desire says
12 years ago 3
My boss wants me to get a temp to replace me and train her in 8 days ... wait less than that because he/she won't even get here tomorrow
Desire says
12 years ago
Okay time for a painkiller. I went 11 hours and took the pain so that I could actually understand what I was doing and get some work done
Desire says
12 years ago 1
I'm doing better than I thought I would on 2 hours of sleep, but now I am feeling myself fade away fast...
Desire says
12 years ago 9
my brain needs a break. I'm here. I need hugs.
Desire says
12 years ago 1
Fianna please private plurk me.
Desire says
12 years ago 9
Good morning. My surgery is set for 1/31. I'm very emotional and have been crying on and off since I saw the Dr. yesterday.
Desire says
12 years ago 8
The boss is not in today and I am in a silly mood. A girl can get into trouble like that.