44Friends 660Fans
female Penang, Malaysia
Years from now u will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones u did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore wide, dream big and live your life 2 the fullest.
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
there goes my 30 minutes phone interview. My interviewer really shot me with questions beyond my knowledge. Didn't see that coming.
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
i am so excited and yet nervous about it.
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
your story inspires me.
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
oh wow. The ones selected so far are all from University of Oxford. How am I gonna compete with these people? :-(
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
sent in!
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
i want it badly. I really want it so badly.
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
this shall be my one chance opportunity.
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
the e-mail horrifies me. I still need to go through the phone interview after all.
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
need to start on my motivation to read.
DebbieNH2 says
11 years ago
poor little kitty got hit by a car.