230Friends 75Fans
female Greentown, PA, United States
I am an Elementary Art Teacher, Artist, Fiber artist, Crochet liker and pet lover.
Students' artwork:www.artsonia.com/schools/school.asp?id=98687
10 years ago 12
Good Morning all! Stay warm if you can!
10 years ago 4
Having fun with new Gelli plate!
10 years ago 5
Gingerbread cookies soft and chewy just baked! New (to me) recipe-might be new Christmas Eve tradition.
10 years ago 4
Our snow has just about disappeared thanks to warm front and rain.
10 years ago 11
Good Morning everyone, I know it's almost afternoon, but that's how today seems to be going!
10 years ago 12
Good Morning! Have to empty dehumidifier can't see out the windows!
10 years ago 8
Good Morning everyone-time to get back to work! There is an Art show to finish hanging for this evening!
10 years ago 18
Snow & ice day here-we are closed!
DcpArt shares
10 years ago 9
They are absolutely beautiful, but all those gorgeous greens were suppose to be gorgeous beige! #artteachergoofs
10 years ago 1
I mixed up the Peacock and Camel Glazes on my Kindergarten Pinch Pots! Everyone who thought half of their pot was going to be tan, I hope will still be happy with green-They look beautiful! Keeps me humble.