8Friends 14Fans
female El Paso, TX, United States
I am an Army wife in my mid-twenties. I like to think of myself as intelligent with a dash of sass ;-)
Interested most in what is goin on in our country and finding ways to make my tiny voice heard among the thousands.

Don't know what else to
Dayzofrain wonders
15 years ago
why it seems as though July is going in slow motion? This month is taking its own eternity to get through
Dayzofrain says
15 years ago
my heart hurts... ow
Dayzofrain hates
15 years ago
when it's muggy out... UGH
Dayzofrain says
15 years ago
it is too hot when a cold front coming through means temps in the low 90's
Dayzofrain is
15 years ago
answering questions for Wellsphere (annoyed)
Dayzofrain is
15 years ago
webz wonderin
Dayzofrain says
15 years ago
I need a "mag" day to catch up with these pills of magazines
Dayzofrain says
15 years ago
mah fingers hurt....
Dayzofrain says
15 years ago
my guitar will be here tomorrow! Whew! I need it to counteract the frustration my family is inflicting
Dayzofrain says
15 years ago
what the heck? How is my karma falling and why can't I stop it!!