90Friends 44Fans
female Northampton, Great Britain (UK)
mum from the united kingdom
Dಠ_ಠwnde says
12 years ago 3
i know its late but merry christmas all! had a fab day yesterday just slightly hungover today :-D... more food to eat, enjoy
Dಠ_ಠwnde says
12 years ago
Dಠ_ಠwnde says
12 years ago
off out with the girlies, and kids are away watching a show! tonight is gonna be fun
Dಠ_ಠwnde says
12 years ago
EEKS sorry i havent been about being feeling super sick and yucky, hope eveyone is super! and getting excited for haloween
Dಠ_ಠwnde says
12 years ago
so fikkin sick blerh, someone take my stomach out and my brain and my heart! ty