StylesxOwls OvO
7Friends 3Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
I made this Plurk to RP on Aather. It's not really a personal Plurk for personal stuff, though I might occasionally share something cool or grouse a bit!
StylesxOwls OvO
11 years ago 40
So, I'm thinking about playing DRAMAtical Murder...
StylesxOwls OvO shares
11 years ago 15
Mal gets to the heart of the issue
StylesxOwls OvO
11 years ago 4
Kudos to whoever did the unlock for correctly choosing a type of mushroom that appears after snowmelts in the Spring.
StylesxOwls OvO
11 years ago 1
[aather] Styles has memories to take, if anyone wants to take memories together!
StylesxOwls OvO
11 years ago 1
Saltwater gargles are surprisingly effective, thank goodness. Still, this laryngitis is cutting badly into my tutoring income.
StylesxOwls OvO
11 years ago 5
[meme] Name CR and I'll try to find a song for them!
StylesxOwls OvO
11 years ago 1
So many students have managed to pull it together and ace this final, it is a Christmas miracle.
StylesxOwls OvO
11 years ago
I am unaccountably tired for this time of night. Maybe it's all the grading! Anyway, goodnight, everyone! Will pick up threads tomorrow evening!
StylesxOwls OvO
11 years ago 2
[meme] Name a canon and I will name five characters I would bang. Maybe. If I've heard of it and the answer isn't "no."
StylesxOwls OvO
11 years ago 1
Getting nice e-mails from students AFTER grades go out is always fun...