Positive Rage
83Friends 17Fans
male North Indignationville, Second life
You can buy my new self-help book How to Make Money Off of Other People by Selling Self-Help Books at my Web site.
Co-Owner, Killing Moon Records: the place to hear all the good music.
Owner, Futile Gestures, an odd kind of gesture store.
Positive Rage says
12 years ago
Positive Rage asks
12 years ago
where's a three day weekend when you really need it?
Positive Rage needs
12 years ago 2
Positive Rage needs
12 years ago
some more beer
Positive Rage needs
12 years ago
a beer
Positive Rage says
12 years ago
long day ahead
Positive Rage says
12 years ago
this week can be over any time now.
Positive Rage says
12 years ago
Positive Rage wonders
12 years ago 3
why his coffee mug is empty.
Positive Rage loves
12 years ago
Groupon. Still.