4Friends 2Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
Common people with common appearance, common person live in common place, common food, common habit, common daily activities, common shirt, common face, ah Common pokokna mah.....Life is dark just as dark as my fav' color, as dark as my skin, as dark
15 years ago
I'm currently listening to Amelie Comptine Autre apres midi by Yan Tiersen :-&
15 years ago
lg nyiapin suit buat nonton resital besok... :-)) jas, clana katun, spokat, kemeja...harus nampak ganteng
15 years ago
realize that I listen to whine song only when I feel love and hurt..I'm currently listening to C.Brown ft Keri Hill-Superhuman..xixi Rn'Beh
15 years ago
Bandung nampak gerimis :'-(
Dasuptoall hopes
15 years ago
another rain for Bandung...biar sejuk
Dasuptoall is
15 years ago
longing my friends
15 years ago
Udah mau jam sebelas...ntar lagi ah blajar CDA nya...
15 years ago
believe that there's someone out there who feels just like me...There is...
15 years ago
wondering why...why I never used to comb my hair...sisir ada...let it be..let it be...
Dasuptoall is
15 years ago 4
listening to As I Lay Dying-Sound of Truth...matab neh lagu...metalcore nya kerasa banget udah kayak sayur kacang merah asemnya pas X-(