Darth Plurkus
8Friends 13Fans
male Daytona Beach, FL, United States
Darth Plurkus feels
15 years ago 4
the force.
Darth Plurkus feels
15 years ago 9
the anger growing within you.
Darth Plurkus says
15 years ago
Let your anger consume you.
Darth Plurkus is
15 years ago
contemplating the demise of the Rebel Alliance.
Darth Plurkus will
15 years ago 7
rule the plurk Universe.
Darth Plurkus says
15 years ago 15
the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force.
Darth Plurkus is
15 years ago
Darth Plurkus says
15 years ago 1
come to the Dark side. We have cookies.